This is a perfect alternative to the classic avocado on toast and courgettes are in season at the moment. Its lovely on its own as a vegan option but I think it makes great brunch with the egg and chorizo. If you have leftovers of courgette, it works perfectly swirled in with some warm spaghetti and a little grated lemon.


  • 1 small courgette
  • 1 boiled egg
  • crusty sourdough toast
  • a few slices of chorizo
  • a couple of parmesan shavings
  • sea salt
  • a little coconut oil
  • water for adding to the courgette


  1. chop the courgette into small pieces with skin on (you can remove the skin but I think it adds something to the dish, plus, it’s good for you)
  2. fry the courgette with the coconut oil on a fairly high heat. The aim is to ‘mush’ down the courgette, so continue to crush with either a fork or a potato masher. To help the process, keep adding a little tap water. In the end, you will be left with crushed and softened courgettes.
  3. whilst the courgettes are cooking, boil your egg to your preference. I fancied a hard boiled one! When the egg is ready, rest in a bowl of ice cold water as that will make it easy to peel.
  4. pop toast in the grill or toaster
  5. when the courgettes are done, season with a little sea salt to taste. Spread onto the toast
  6. grate on little parmesan
  7. fry off the chorizo pieces in the pan that was used for the courgettes (saves on washing up!)
  8. layer with a boiled egg and enjoy
