Home » Spring Update – My 5 Goals for 2021

Spring Update – My 5 Goals for 2021

2021 is the first year I’ve really sat down and thought about my goals for the year ahead. I think everyone just seemed so cross with 2020, that it gave us all a bit of a kick up the bum to make the most of the New Year and the hope that things would start getting back to ‘normal’.

As I write this it is the start of April 2o21 and the day that the shops have re-opened here in Wales. Quite a few of my loved ones have now received their first and even second doses of vaccine and there feels like a bit of familiarity in the air.

So how are my 2o21 aims shaping up?

Well, as anyone with a goals has ever found out, you’ll never quite achieve it if you don’t keep checking back in with the, seeing if you’re some of the way there or not.

When I worked in a bank, we used to do quarterly reviews. Which sort of makes sense. So here’s mine. If you fancy giving my original aims a read, click this link and have a browse and follow along on my blog or my Instagram to join in the journey.

1.Get Outside

I wrote at the start of the year that I would like to get outside every day. I know that there have been days when we haven’t done that. But I certainly think those days have been very few and far between.

Our getting outside time has changed too as Charlotte is now confidently walking (albeit not necessarily in the right direction. If you have ever walked with a toddler you will know that they never follow the path of least residence)

We are now going to parks, big open spaces and beaches to make the most of the days. We usually try and get out quite early before her nap, either to meet with friends or just to our local park. When Charlotte first started walking, a lot of the parks were still closed due to the ‘3rd lockdown’ but when they did open, it was amazing to take her out and see her playing with other children. It seems a bit silly, but I had a little sob the first time I pushed her on a swing. Months of motherhood feeling a bit odd, and this just felt the most normal thing in the world.

So we’ve not been for many big walks, but we’ve been out and in the garden and in the park. Places are now starting to open here in Wales so I hope for these days of toddling to continue and grow.

2. Continue to Learn

This has been a bit of a thorn in my side over the last couple of months.

It’s hard to describe the feeling, but since becoming a Mum and not going back to work yet, I’ve felt like I judge myself differently. And I know I shouldn’t, I just do. Since I was around 14, I’ve always worked and suddenly, here I am, watching Cbeebies and taking photos of my food for Instagram.

I know there’s nothing wrong with that and that these early years fly past. But I wanted to do something productive for my brain that wasn’t just about Mr Tumble and chums. So I bought a textbook and started studying for a financial exam. Then I stopped. Now I’ve started again. It’s not easy to balance it all and I utterly take my hat off to mums that do it all. Because I’m struggling with it.

Something I’ve really enjoyed is developing my blog. That’s something I’ve learnt. I went on a short afternoon webinar with some amazing women who talked about how to grow and develop and I’m enjoying the journey. I try and write twice a week but this has gone down a bit since starting my revision back up.

I’ve been trying to improve my Instagram account too and have been working with some really great brands and making a small income through affiliate marketing, something I never really knew was possible.

So I have been learning. It’s been learning new skills as well as facts from textbooks. I’m looking forward to seeing where that goes in the next few months.

3.Play Lots

I think my goal for this was to set up some kind of structured play for Charlotte. And probably an area I was quite nervous about as I don’t really have much experience with small humans. There have been no playgroups. No soft play.

But it’s probably been my proudest area of the 5 goals so far.

Charlotte has changed dramatically since I last wrote at 11 months. She is walking, babbling and loves ‘real life’ play. I read a lot about Montessori play and this is something that Charlotte enjoys the most. She loves doing ‘real’ things, like pretending to hoover, loading the washing machine, brushing hair etc. She talks a lot and loves to get outside. So I think I was a bit nervous when she was younger about making scenarios for play, whereas what she seems to want to do the most is copy me doing the normal things.

I’ve also been trying to work out and exercise a bit in the house. She loves to join in with the music and runs in between your legs during squats (you have to watch where she is at all times!)

4.Read 12 books

According to my GoodReads, I have read 8 books so far this year, which has really surpassed my own expectations. I’ve found I’ve been able to do this by using Audible and Kindle on my phone. I’ve found the time whilst walking with the pram and I usually get a few pages read whilst rocking Charlotte to sleep. I try and write a regular monthly update too (click here for my January or February updates, March one coming soon!)

My favourite book so far this year was The Other Passenger by Louise Candlish . I was utterly gripped from start to finish. If you want to keep up to date with how I’m going on the books, I update on GoodReads regularly and it should be on the sidebar of the blog.

5. Find Peace with my Garden

I was really happy for the fence to go up last month. Don’t get me wrong, our neighbours are great, but the space has really transformed with having a fence around. Before we had quite a low little dividing fence so essentially could see completely into each other’s gardens.

The next stage is to make it ready for a bit of outside eating, a few more plants and more recently, we’ve put up a little slide for Charlotte. I’m hoping by the Summer update that we may have started painting the shed and maybe the fence too. Watch this space!

Have I thought of anything to add or take away before the Summer update?

Healthy eating and exercise is something I’ve always shied away from talking too much about online. I put on a LOT of weight when pregnant and although I’m super proud of what my body has done, I just feel like I would like a little bit more (or less as the case may be) of me back by the end of Summer. I don’t like faddy diets and I adore cooking and cake, so I’ve just been trying to exercise more, watch my portion sizes and keep my water intake up. Over the winter I’ve managed to lose another stone, but feel realistically I would like to lose two more. I’ve been absolutely honoured to be asked to be a bridesmaid at the end of August and would love to feel good in a dress. So I’m adding this on. It’s by no means a cake ban, but certainly a slice and not the whole thing.

So I hope that gives some sort of roundup so far.

How’s your 2021 Goals coming along? xx


