Home » Things I read and watched January 2021

Things I read and watched January 2021

 Ah 2021! The year we thought we would be lockdown free! I hope it’s on it’s way, but it’s taking its jolly time, plus it’s freezing cold.
So I thought, on my regular reflection of my ‘5 Goals for 2021’ (check out my blog post if you haven’t already) I thought I would list a few of the book, Audible, podcast and TV highlights of my year so far, that I’ve enjoyed in the middle of the night rocking Charlotte back to sleep or wrapped up in a blanket on the sofa. They are my main two locations.
So here it goes, my January media highlights;

1. The Winter Garden by Heidi Swain

I finished this book on the 9th of January so just over the border of the new year, but what a lovely Christmas book to kick off my year of (hopefully) plentiful reading. I’ll be honest, it’s not a huge revelation or deeply philosophical, but that’s why I like it. It was so easy to read and the characters were lovely, the setting was magical and it was a bit of escapism. I like to describe these types of books as ‘Nanna Fiction’ e.g I tell my Mum and she comments that she’s added it to her kindle as she ‘likes the front cover’. And there’s nothing wrong in that.

2. The Man Who Didn’t Call by Rosie Walsh

Ooosh. I see a lot of people saying that they didn’t enjoy it. But I really did. And so did my Mum. It’s one of those books where if I tell you what it’s about, I might spoil it. But if you fancy a book that keeps you sneaking off for excuses to read another chapter, I would try this.

3. The Midnight Library by Matt Haig (Audible) Read by Carey Mulligan

What a wonderful writer Matt Haig is. I read another of his books, ‘Humans’ a few years ago and this has some dark themes again. Because of this, it might not be for everyone as it does have some themes of suicide and depression, however, it is also very inspiring and thought-provoking. I listened to this on some rainy walks and whilst putting laundry away and am really glad I did.

4.  Made by Mammas (Podcast)

I love this podcast. I started listening when I was pregnant on my friend’s recommendation and she was so right. It’s run by two Mammas and features a mix of celebrity guests, experts, and ‘ask us anything’. I also enjoy their corresponding Instagram account which makes you feel like you’re their real-life friend (sad, I know) but it does make you feel that you’re catching up with people you know, which I think we could all appreciate in these isolating times! Plus sometimes I listen back to certain conversations for reference, such as the baby sleep episode or weaning. Would definitely give it a go if you haven’t already.

5. Mad Men (Series)

We are so close to finishing this (just starting the last series) and part of me doesn’t want it to end! I’ve loved seeing the wardrobes change, the attitudes change and it’s got a wonderful, easy watching pace. It’s currently on Amazon Prime so give it a whirl if you haven’t already.

6.Coco (Film)

I’m only about 4 years late, but it was worth the wait. Coco is a beautiful film currently on Disney+. The theme is around the Day of the Dead in Mexico and has some wonderful, delicate messages if you watch it as an adult, or if you’re little, just great music and loads of colour. I can’t wait to watch it again.

I’ll pop back in March and let you know what I filled my eyes and ears with in the month of February xx
